School Name 学校名 |
Academique | Year Established 学校の設立年 |
In 2011 2011年 |
Access: 通学手段 |
ACADEMIQUE’s main campus is located in the center of Southport. The 51 Nerang Street address is only 50 meters away from SOUTHPORT tram station. The Trade Faculties are also in the CBD, about 2 minutes’ walk キャンパスはサウスポートの中心地に位置。最寄りのサウスポート駅(トラム)からは50mの距離。トレード系の研修施設は駅より徒歩2分。 |
Number of Student: 生徒数: |
500 Students 500名 |
Percentage of Japanese Students: 日本人の割合: |
15-20% |
Nationalities of Students: 生徒の国籍: |
Campuses: キャンパス: |
ACADEMIQUE has one main campus and two training centres, all located in Southport, Queensland. The main campus is located at 51 Nerang Street, delivering English, Business and Management courses. The Carpentry center is located on 73 Nerang Street. All Carpentry-related training is delivered at that location. The Painting and Decorating centre is on 73 Davenport Street. All painting and decorating, plus solid plastering courses are delivered at that location. メインキャンパスと実習施設が2か所あり、すべてサウスポートに位置。メインキャンパス(51 Nerang Street)は英語/ビジネス/マネージメントコース用。カーペンタリー(大工)コース系は73 Nerang Streetで、ペインター(塗装)と左官コースは73 Davenport Streetでそれぞれ開講。 |
ELICOS (English class): | 4 Elementary – Upper Intermediate | ELICOSのクラス数: | 4 (初級/初中級/中級/中上級) |
Average Number of Students in Each Class: 各コースの生徒数: |
12-15 Students per class 12-15名 |
Facilities: 設備: |
Courses: コース一覧: |
Benefits: |
お勧めポイント✓: |