School Name 学校名 |
The Language Academy ランゲージアカデミー |
Year Established 学校の設立年 |
The schools was establish about 7 years ago, during the pandemic we never closed and have always been opened. 7年前に開校、コロナ禍でも閉校なし |
Access: 通学手段 |
300 meters from Broadbeach North tram station, we are inside oasis shopping mall. So students can also use the parking spaces. We are also accessible by Kurrawa beach which is also 300 meter away. Broadbeach North駅(トラム)より300mのオアシスショッピングセンター内に位置。ショッピングセンター内の駐車場を使用可。もしくはクラワビーチから300m。 |
Number of Student: 生徒数: |
We can host up to 300 students per day as our classes are for maximum 10 students. 300名まで入学可能。各クラスは最大10名まで。
Percentage of Japanese Students: 日本人の割合: |
Currently we have very few as the borders have been closed. 国境封鎖の影響で日本人は数人のみ |
Nationalities of Students: 生徒の国籍: |
South America-Brazil-Europe-Korea-depending on the season we receive high numbers of New Caledonian. 南アメリカ-ブラジル-ヨーロッパ-韓国-ニューカレドニア(季節による) |
Campuses: キャンパス: |
1 Campus 1キャンパス |
ELICOS (English class): |
ELICOSのクラス数: |
Average Number of Students in Each Class: 各コースの生徒数: |
AS a boutique school, we only allow 10 students per class 小規模の学校のため各クラスに10名までの生徒 |
Facilities: 設備: |
Courses: コース一覧: |
Benefits: |
お勧めポイント✓: |